Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dear Rea,
I think you would have loved to have known that the Academy's, or at the very least the A-3s' motto all summer long has been "Today will be a wonderful day!" It seemed every where I turned I heard some one singing, or saying "Today will be a wonderful day!"
We sang it on the forth of July as we paraded down the streets yelling, and generally making joyful noises. We carried our tapestry of memories of you as we walked down those streets. We knew that if you had been there you would have been as loud and joyful as the rest if not louder and more joyful than all of us put together.
Later we put those memories up high where all could see, and sang Happy birthday to our country. I wished I could have heard your voice mix with ours'.
All of summer was joyous, light, and colorful. Just the way you would have wanted it. We did a beautiful show, you would have cried. (I did when I read it through for the first time.) You would have been proud of my fellow cast members, they were incredible.
Thank you Rearcous. Thank you for your joy, your love of life, your enthusiasm for life, and your giving nature. You gave so many people a motto, a drumbeat, a joy for every day. It was a very encouraging thing to walk down the hallway exhausted beyond belief, and hear someone behind you humming "Today will be a wonderful day!" Than you start singing what they began, and they join in, and perhaps someone else joins in; suddenly you've got enough energy not only for you, but for everyone around you, and the rest of the day becomes a truly a beautiful thing. I will keep this song, and your bright smile with me wherever I go to remind me what living for Christ looks like, and to spread the Joy of life to others. I love you Rea! I miss you.~Mary Lou

Monday, July 6, 2009

So definitely been away for awhile. Where I have I been? I have been down at the Springer Opera House for the past two weeks. Doing what? Oh the usual; you know putting a show together in eight days. No big deal. However that's the crazy part it really is no big deal. These kinds of things happen all the time. It's called Summer stock. Theater's all across the nation are putting shows together in very short amounts of time to run through the summer. Is what we're doing incredible? Absolutely! Unique? Maybe not so much. I mean yes in some ways it is, but not the idea.
What show are we putting on? 'Bambi, a Life in the Woods'. You remember that post about being in the Springer Academy's company class? Well this is what it's all about. Do also remember that list of names? Well here it is again only this time it will tell you who got what part.


1. Betsy Flournoy Bambi

2. Jasmin Anderson Blue Jay/Marena

3. Nicole Broach Mother

4. Melissa Cone Ena

5. Mary Lou Garcia Screech Owl/Fawn

6. Ashley Jay Nettla

7. Victoria Leggett Faline

8. Cameron McCarty Ronno

9. Stephanie Reeves Gobo

10. Dylan Stephan The Great Prince

11. Scott Valentine Blue Jay/Prince

12. Alex Willis Friend Hare

Now you may look at this and think who are these characters? I don't recall these names from the movie. Well it's the same story, however the play is more closely adapted from the book than the movie is. The play is very charming, and beautiful. It's got lots of things that will catch the young audience members' eye; like wise it has a beautiful story line that will intrigue the older children, and charm the adults. Truly a show for audiences of all ages.

Wow, i fell like I'm trying to sell you a ticket. Oh you might have noticed (thogh probably not) that the first name on the list is different from my previous list. The reason being that Lisa Anders (trhe other name) had a conflict and could no longer do the production. And for some reasson unkown Betsy's name was omitted from the first list. It's a great cast, great group of people. I am truly honored to be working with them. Our show is coming along just great we just completed day six which included a run through, photo shoot, and newspaper interview. This is truly an amazing expreiance. We'll be adding lights, costumes and crew over the next three days. We open on Friday the tenth. Here's the springer website. Check out show dates and ticket prices. I am supper excited! I hope you all get the chance to come see it; it's gonna be great!~Louly