Monday, August 10, 2009

I did the unthinkable. I know, I know. What was I thinking? I watched Twilight, and I liked it. Now hear me out before you go berserk and start telling me what a poorly made movie it is, and what a weird plot, and blah, blah, blah.
I watched with an open mind. I watched and saw the potential. I loved Bella, her straight- forwardness, her sincerity, and her great trust. She was so endearing; she drew me in, and intrigued me. Watching the movie made me want to read the book (Which Joe informs me we are now second in line for at the library.) I am more than sure that the book will be more detailed, and give a better back story. I think when I read the book it will fill out the movie, make it know? I am sincerely hoping that I will not be let down when I read the book, can you tell? If I am...well, it won't be the end of the world, just really, really close to the end.

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