Well, the description of this blog was that I wanted to tell my stories. That in itself would seem to indicate that I have stories to tell. Well, I do, I'm just not sure their good enough. Then I remember that the second part of the description is that IF you HAPPEN to be amused, great.
All of these things have been running through my head ever since that last (and first) post. However, I have come to a decision; I think I'll tell my stories whether or not
I think they're good, and just let you decide that for yourself. Without further ado here is my next story.
Two weeks ago today I was at work, as usual. (I am a professional nanny) David had just come home with two pizzas, which his kids didn't eat because, stupidities of stupidities, I had forgotten he was bringing home supper and had already fed the kids. We were just chit-chatting. We talked about the weather and how cold it had been that morning. So cold in fact that I had had to pour hot water from a milk jug onto my windshield that morning to defrost it...Quicker! David then proceeded to tell me the dangers of doing so like: It might cause the windshield to crack!
Well, I laughed him off lightly, and left for home shortly after. Well, on the way home I got paranoid and began to try and to see the windshield to see if perhaps I HAD cracked it. Well, it was dark out side so this task was difficult. However, every now and then I would pass someone going the opposite direction, and could catch a glimpse of it by their headlights. low and behold the windshield was...CRACKED?! "My windshield is cracked! No that can't be. I'm gonna have to call Dad, and he's out of town. Man! I can't believe it."
The only reason I even thought of this stunt was because Sarah Ann did it too, just about every morning. Dad had even told her to do it. Sarah Ann never gets in trouble, she gets away with everything.
Let's tally up everything that has happened to make Mary Lou's night go bad so far, shall we? First David spends wasted money on food his kids don't need (BTW I got to take home one of those pizzas), then I crack my windshield doing what I thought was perfectly acceptable.
While I'm musing over these things a car comes at me on the other side of the road. Let me just make clear to ya'll who know what I'm talking about, this was narrow little Countyline Road. The man had his brights on! I was furious and blinded.
Two seconds after he passes my eyes are still adjusting, when all of the sudden a little dog runs out in front me. I hit him. My heart skipped a beat and I just couldn't believe it.
I turned the van around and found him. Dead. I lost it. I decided I would try to find out who's dog it was. I drove up the nearest driveway, my heart pounding. I chickened out and ran back to the van. For some reason the next house didn't look so scary; don't ask me why, it just looked less menacing than the other one had. Again I pull in, put it in park, uncranked, and walk up to the front door. (After turning around several times. "Do it Lou, just do it!". I did.) This old man walks to the door yellin', "It's a little girl, Mother" as he hitches his pants up. He finally reaches the door and opens it. "Um, hi. Sir. Do you have a little dog? I-"
"Nope all we got is a big one out back. Why?"
"Well, I hit a little dog on the road just now and it's dead. (Sob.)" Now I'm crying great! This is when "Mother" reaches out the door to take my hand and says, " Oh don't worry darlin'. These things just happen. It's not your fault."
" I know I just feel awful though"
"Do you want to come inside and call mommy?" Yes the woman said "Mommy".
" No I'll just go now, thank you."
"Are you sure? I'll take care of finding out who's dog it is." (Another sob from me.) "Here come inside and call Mommy" There it was again, that word. I was kind'av creepped out.
"No I'l just go home, it's not far. Thanks." At this point she starts to tug hard on my hand that she still has in her possession. That little woman was strong. I struggled hard, and managed to yank my hand from her, at which point her husband, who has been muttering to himself hoping we'd listen as he explained what kind'av dog every neighbor in America has, hitches his pants again and says, "Let her go darlin', can't you see she wants to go home", non too gruffly. Hallelujah! She followed me to my car. uggggghhhhh. I got in and proceeded to ignore the backing up directions she was trying to give me, and got out of there!!!!!
Lets also make clear that in retrospect I'm sure all that lady wanted to do was help. it was just a little to much to handle all in one day. I mean add getting kidknapped to my day, really? I just wasn't up for it.~Louly